Bible Text for the week

Bible Text For The Week!

Day to Day Bible Reading Exercise: We Begin with the book of Genesis. This book tells us of the origin of the world in a mythical pattern, as well as the history of israel’s ancestors, thereby setting a platform for God-Man relationship.

  • Mon 25th – 10:1-32(Nations of the world)
  • Tues 26th – 11:1-36(Tower of Babel and Descendant of Terah)
  • Wed 27th – 11:27 & 12:1-20(The Story of Abraham)
  • Thurs 28th – 13&14(Abram and Lot)
  • March FRI 1st – 15&16(God’s Covenant with Abraham)
  • Marh Sat 2nd- 17&18(Abra becomes Abraham)
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