Board of Lector |
The word made flesh... Dwelt among us. |
Every 3rd Saturday of every Month |
Choir |
Sing praises... Unto the Lord |
Every Mon, Thurs, Saturday (6:30pm) |
Altar Server |
Benedicamus Domino... Deo Gratias |
Every Sat General meeting 2nd Saturday |
Board of church warden |
St pMichael the archangel... Pray for us. |
3rd Saturday after 7:am mass |
Board of church warden |
St pMichael the archangel... Pray for us. |
3rd Saturday after 7:am mass |
St.Veronica |
Nearer to Altar... Nearer to God |
2nd Saturday after 7:am |
Mother of sorrow,queen of peace... Pray for us. |
3rd Saturday after 6:30am |
Praise the Lord... Alleluyah |
Every Thursday 6:30pm to 8:30pm |
Young Christian Workers |
YCW... The difference is you |
4th Sunday after 9:00am |
St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) |
St vincent de Paul... Pray for us |
Every Sundays after 9:am |
St. Anthony of Padua |
Antho... Padua |
1st Sunday after 6:30am |
Association of Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Glory to Jesus... Honor to Mary |
1st Sunday 8:am-9:am |
Apostleship of league of sacred of Jesus |
Sacred Heart of Jesus... Thy Kingdom come. |
Every Thursday 4:30pm-6:30pm |
Catechist |
Go forth... And make disciples of all nation |
Last Saturday by 6:pm |
Divine Mercy |
Jesus... I trust in you |
4th Sunday after 9:am mass |
Legion of Mary |
Glory to Jesus... Honor to Mary |
Every Sundays after 6:am mass |
Glory to Jesus... Forever and ever Amen. |
3rd,4th Sundays after 9:am mass |
Purgatorian Society |
Eternal rest grant unto them o Lord... And let thy perpetual light shine upon them |
Every Saturday by 5:pm |