Our Societies

Our Societies

Board of Lector The word made flesh... Dwelt among us. Every 3rd Saturday of every Month
Choir Sing praises... Unto the Lord Every Mon, Thurs, Saturday (6:30pm)
Altar Server Benedicamus Domino... Deo Gratias Every Sat General meeting 2nd Saturday
Board of church warden St pMichael the archangel... Pray for us. 3rd Saturday after 7:am mass
Board of church warden St pMichael the archangel... Pray for us. 3rd Saturday after 7:am mass
St.Veronica Nearer to Altar... Nearer to God 2nd Saturday after 7:am
CCM Mother of sorrow,queen of peace... Pray for us. 3rd Saturday after 6:30am
CCRN Praise the Lord... Alleluyah Every Thursday 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Young Christian Workers YCW... The difference is you 4th Sunday after 9:00am
St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) St vincent de Paul... Pray for us Every Sundays after 9:am
St. Anthony of Padua Antho... Padua 1st Sunday after 6:30am
Association of Sacred Heart of Jesus Glory to Jesus... Honor to Mary 1st Sunday 8:am-9:am
Apostleship of league of sacred of Jesus Sacred Heart of Jesus... Thy Kingdom come. Every Thursday 4:30pm-6:30pm
Catechist Go forth... And make disciples of all nation Last Saturday by 6:pm
Divine Mercy Jesus... I trust in you 4th Sunday after 9:am mass
Legion of Mary Glory to Jesus... Honor to Mary Every Sundays after 6:am mass
CBIU Glory to Jesus... Forever and ever Amen. 3rd,4th Sundays after 9:am mass
Purgatorian Society Eternal rest grant unto them o Lord... And let thy perpetual light shine upon them Every Saturday by 5:pm