youth catechism: 13 February 2019

Youth Catechism


Think of Someone that adds value to you(non family), person that can help you actualize your dreams, someone with utmost necessity.
This person is an Encouragement(Inspiration).
Write down the person’s name on a personal journal.
Add more to the list.
Pray for them

Think of that person that doesnt add value to you and still calls you my Friend , add some names to this list, preferably 5.
this list dont necessarily mean that they are bad, they dont just share in your ideology(determination)

Linking to the gospel of : the first category of people belong to those who brought the Blind man to jesus christ(City of Bethsaida), he was lucky to have this ones, you note taking advantage of these).

Do you have friends who would drag you to jesus!

Second Set

Jesus took the man privately after healing him not to go back to the Village(people who didnt share in his ideas). if you must be ready to the next level, you must be radical with decisions , cut away, so that you can have a redefinition of your life

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